Factors Affecting Dumpster Rental Prices

There are many factors that can affect the pricing of dumpsters. When looking for a good dumpster hauler, you will want to know how each charge per dumpster bin. It’s important to realize these factors so that you are more informed on how and why the pricing is different per hauler. These 6 factors will further enable you to understand the process and be more confident when it comes to ordering your dumpster rental in Omaha.

6 factors determining dumpster prices

  1. Location of Dumpster Bin. More and more dumpster haulers are looking closely at their bottom line costs. For local providers, this means travel costs. A majority of them add the travel costs into the final bill without you even knowing. The closer you are to the dumpster provider, the cheaper your rental will be.
  2. Dumpster Sizes. A roll off dumpster will vary in the price when the dumpster size is changed. The size of the bin will be the biggest factor affecting price so make sure you determine the right dumpster size.
  3. The Rental Period. The average rental period for a dumpster is 7-10 days and we rent out dumpsters for 14 days! If you’re in need of a roll-off for more than a week, you will be charged extra (usually per day).
  4. Hazardous Materials. Throwing hazardous materials such as microwaves, mattresses, tires among other materials can cause additional fees. Call us today and ask about the potential charges and we will be happy to inform you.
  5. Same Day Delivery Specialists. Omaha Roll Off specializes in same day rentals and we are proud to offer this service because when clients need a same day delivery it’s because it is an emergency and that is why we offer it. We value our customers and want to be there for them in times of need.
  6. Cash Discounts. Service providers will tell you that if you pay cash, they will give you a discount. Even if they don’t tell you, ask them because they might have forgotten. They usually only bring this up if they know they are competing with another company for your business. Work it in your favor and save on the dumpster price. Call us today to see what we can do for you.
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